We can help bridge the gap between your expertise and software
Embrace the rising tide of data analytics
and lift the technical ability of your team
Find treasures in the depths of your data
Accelerate your scientific and industrial
applications with High Performance Computing

The Pelagos Distinctive

Pelagos is Greek for the deep, or the sea. Pelagos Consulting and Education was founded in 2016 and the ongoing mission is to help you derive more from the depths of your data through the adoption of cutting-edge STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) tools and technologies.

How we can help

We provide services in:
  • Software development for high performance and scientific computing applications
  • Consulting services for data analytics and high performance computing
  • Education and training on STEM-related skills for individuals and groups
  • Mentoring and support for your in-house software development teams
  • Provision of short-term (1-5 days) hire and software support for Jupyterhub clusters (new!).
If any of these services resonate with your needs then let's discuss! Book a free 20 minute conversation using this link.

Current and former clients

So far we have been privileged to participate in the success of a number of organisations and institutions, such as:



Toby Potter

BSc (Hons) ANU, PhD (Astrophysics) UWA

Business Owner, Educator, and Research Software Engineer with a background in Astrophysics.

Dr. Toby Potter trained as a computational astrophysicist and is the founder of Pelagos Consulting and Education. He has a keen interest in using computers to solve problems and showing others how to do the same. Toby was formerly employed as a postdoctoral researcher in Geophysics at the Centre for Energy Geoscience at The University of Western Australia, and now uses his experience to help companies and organizations bridge the gap between domain-specific knowledge and software craftsmanship. Toby is also a passionate science communicator, and regularly engages with industry and academia in both consulting and education roles. The latest copy of Toby's CV is located here .